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Book "Auf ein Bier mit John Maynard Keynes" by Dr. Heinrich Dieter Kiener

In this book, Heinrich Dieter Kiener, the owner of the Stiegl Brewery in Salzburg, gives an insight into the economic philosophy of sustainability, he is successfully running the business with.
Not only does he tell the story of the brewery, he also philosophically focuses on topics such as regionality, the greed of humanity or the economic compulsion to growth at any cost.
For Kiener, brewing beer already begins on the fields. Without healthy soils, there cannot be best-quality raw materials. In order to put his theories into practice, he established the Stiegl-Farm in Wildshut, where the focus is set on organic agriculture.
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Book "Auf ein Bier mit John Maynard Keynes"

Running a family-owned business for decades does not only mean keeping to the tradition and continuity, but also being exposed to current market situations.
Heinrich Dieter Kiener represents the Stiegl Breweries' fourth generation of owner and looks back on a moving and eventfull company's history. He is well aware that this history is always a mirror of its time and its economical development.
This book shows the mind of a visionary, who is open to thoughts and ideas of philosophers and economists. A man who is looking for the answer of the questions "how can we produce and consume more consciously" in the Japanese culture as well as in economic models.

Product Information - Book "Auf ein Bier mit John Maynard Keynes"

title: Auf ein Bier mit John Maynard Keynes
autor(s): Heinrich Dieter Kiener (Ed.), Franz-Maria Sonner (text)
hard cover edition: 184 pages
publisher: Ecowin
edition: 1st edition ( October 28th, 2015)
language: German
ISBN-10: 3711000762
ISBN-13: 978-3711000767
size and/or weithg: 15.1 x 2 x 21.6 cm

About the author:

Heinrich Dieter Kiener represents the fourth generation of owners and has been managing director of the Stiegl brewery of Salzburg for over 25 years.
As an entrepreneur he attaches great importance to tradition and sustanability. Recently, the manager of one of Austria's oldest breweries has been growing rare and ancient grains on his own estate in Wildshut.
The Stiegl-Experience

“Beer is a truly divine medicine.” (Paracelsus)

Beer has been enjoyed hundreds of years ago. But did you know that beer has been one of the few "safe" foods for a long time?

Up to the early Modern Period, clean drinking water was the exception rather than the rule. Very often epidemics were caused by polluted water. Since beer is boiled during the brewing process, bacteria from the water are killed. In addition to that, beer contains hops and alcohol. Both of which have germ-inhibiting properties. Thus, beer was a safe drink in early times. It is also very nutritious and contains a number of vitamins and minerals. So it was not only Saint Hildegard of Bingen but also Salzburg's doctor and mystic Paracelsus, who underlined the high value of beer.
Up until today, our brew masters take good care of this fact, so your Stiegl beer is a truly divine drink.


For 525 years, the privately owned Stiegl Brewery stood for "the art of brewing at the top of the steps/at its highest level" ("Braukunst auf höchster Stufe").
In Salzburg we not only indulge the palates of beer lovers, but also offer an unforgettable experience for all senses. In the largest brewery museum in Austria, you will not only experience the long history of beer and the Stiegl brewery.

If you want to give yourself an insight into the process of beer brewing, you can look our brewers over the shoulder.
On you find all important information for your visit. We look forward to welcome you.
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